Ingredient cookery with its own history

Lanzarote has its own history, and so does its gastronomy. We will take a look at it during this round table.
The island's traditional cuisine will be the main topic during a round table at which Lanzarote chefs will highlight the recipes and flavours of traditional cookery. With them we will find out more about the island's produce, and about popular cooking down through the generations.
A look back at cuisine which has survived because it is territory.
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Endemic ecosystems of the Americas. How nature survives the fire of volcanoes.
09:45 - 10:15 HRS
Sebastián Vásquez
Geologist and associate on the Volcano School programme
Identifying the real luxury around you and appreciating the value of non-waste
12:30 - 13:00 HRS
Gísli Matt
Chef at Slippurinn (Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland)

Natural threats to populations in the East Africa Rift
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Charles Balagizi
Biologist and director of the Geosite et Supersita programme at the Virunga Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Musanze ecosystem
10:45 - 11:15 HRS
Dieuveil Malonga
Chef at Meza Malonga LAB (Kigali, Rwanda)

Volcanic cuisine in Aotearoa, New Zealand
11:30 - 12:00 HRS
Karena y Kasey Bird
Chefs at Karena & Kasey Project (Maketu, New Zealand)

Geophysical survey of groundwater discharges into the ocean and major hydrogeological barriers in Hawaii
10:55 - 11:25 HRS
Stephanie Barde
R+D engineer at Naga Geophysics (Savoie, France)

Indonesia's northern cuisine
11:35 - 12:05 HRS
Ketut Sri Gayatri Tata
Chef at Pengalaman Rasa (Bali, Indonesia)

Asia's volcanoes, the Earth's most active
11:00 - 11:30 HRS
Sylvain Chermette
Director of the 80 Jours Voyages agency and geologist

11:55 - 12:25 HRS
Anne Fornier
Founder of Volcano Active Foundation

Lanzarote cuisine and new paradigms
09:20 - 10:05 HRS
Lolo Román
Lecturer in culinary state-of-the-art at the Basque Culinary Center
Daniel Jiménez
Chef at Tacande Restaurante (Haría, Canary Islands)

Quitu Project
10:20 - 10:50 HRS
Juan Sebastián Pérez
Chef at Quitu (Quito, Ecuador)

Garrotxa / Lanzarote
12:05 - 12:35 HRS
Fina Puigdevall
Chef at Les Cols** (Olot, Girona, Spain)