The second edition of Worldcanic, from the 19th to the 21st of October

The second edition of the International Congress of Volcanic Cuisines and Ecosystems, organised by Vocento Gastronomía and the Cabildo of Lanzarote, will be held on 19, 20 and 21 October in Lanzarote.
The first edition brought together on the Canary Island around sixty professionals including scientists, producers, chefs and journalists, who attended a total of 20 presentations and round tables held in 4 extraordinary locations on the island (including the impressive auditorium of the Jameos del Agua intervention or the room with views of the Mirador del Río), combined with 6 gastronomic experiences in as many restaurants (including El Diablo, the only restaurant on the island where you can cook directly with volcanic lava). Twenty-five chefs, mainly from Lanzarote, but also guests from different volcanic areas of the world who have come together to create four unique hands-on experiences, took part in the event. "Contact between professionals nourishes", repeated geologist Joan Martí. This was the aim.
Contact, communion and messages of resilience and previous work to mitigate the effects and empower the population in the face of eruptions. Throughout the three days, scientists and chefs coincided in highlighting the difference between products grown in volcanic lands and those that are not. In the last session of the congress, geologist Llorenç Planagumà explained how sheep and cows preferred to graze on these lands because "the grass was sweeter". It could be deduced that, therefore, the milk from these animals will have certain characteristics that, in turn, will be transmitted in any derivative. In this case, cheese. This was confirmed by representatives from three cheese and volcanic areas, the French Auvergne, the island of Lanzarote and the Catalan La Garrotxa, who also agreed on the possibility of creating "not a designation but a global seal indicating that these cheeses are from volcanic soil".
This first meeting of the world's volcanic cuisines aimed to show the great potential of volcanic ecosystems, cradles of resilience where progress emerges from the depths through the strength of the earth and its people. Three days touring the island of Lanzarote while discussing and arguing about authenticity, sustainability and the projection of volcanic territories as environments of natural life and generators of unique products for their qualities, flavour and purity.